Cat litter box dos and don’ts

To help have a happy healthy pet the whole family will enjoy, here are some litterbox dos and don’ts.

# Use a clumping litter (check with your vet for kittens younger than 8 weeks). They might eat it and get a gastrointestinal blockage which could prove fatal.

Also beware of the cedar sawdust litter—my cat would eat it as well because it smelled so nice.

# Scoop the litter box daily for feces and wet or clumped litter.

# Make sure the litter is deep enough, usually 3 to 4 inches. Cats like to dig.

# Make sure there are ample litter boxes in the house, especially if you are a multipet household. One box per cat and floor is commonly recommended.

# Place litter boxes in a quiet place that’s convenient for you too.

# Use a rug or litter mat to catch loose litter so it does not track all over the house.

# Consult your vet if your cat stops using the litter box; they may have a urinary tract issue.


# Put the litter box in an open area where there is a lot of activity.

# Change the location of the litter box unless you have to

# Forget to change out your entire litter box contents once a week, or more often if you have a multicat household.

# Ignore changes in your cat’s litter box behavior. Such changes could be behavioral, or could be a sign of a urinary tract infection, or other gastrointestinal issue. If a cat stops eating or drinking for more than a day it can be a sign of something serious.

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