And often what seems a big problem is not insurmountable with a bit of time, patience, and common sense. For example, the new wife who was allergic to the dog—she can take allergy tablets. No one should ever expect a dog to give up its home.
Moving to a new place, and the landlord doesn’t allow pets. Well, if the landlord said he didn’t allow children, would you give away your kids? NO. So then DON’T do it to your pet. They should be taken into consideration in any move. Moving out of state, ditto. A move is a move, and animals can be very adaptable. There is no reason to dump them in a shelter.
Often observing the trouble and discussing it with your vet or looking up more information on line can help get you back on track if your pet develops some sort of annoying habit you feel you can’t cope with.
For example, one family was having a bad week with their dog. The dog was getting into the trash and chewing things up inside the house, which is clearly a sign of boredom, and a sign of not enough exercise.
The wife decided on a whim to take the dog to the pound while her husband was at work and the kids at school. Later that same night when her family returned home, they were devastated. She thought better of her impetuous decision, and was sorry she had taken such drastic measures.
When husband went to the pound to get their dog back, the pound would not return the dog. They had surrendered it, and so no longer owned it. They were probably doing the best for the animal in their minds, but it would also have been traumatic for the pet to have had to give up the only home it ever knew.
And all of this could have been avoided if everyone had thought their actions through as to what was best for the dog.
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