Around the house rules
5. Humans must not let the dog go through any doorways first, or up or down the stairs first. Dogs must always go through the doorways or up and down stairs AFTER the humans, as the leader of the pack always goes first.
If the dog does not stay behind the humans, the dog must be told to “stay” and given the command to “come” after all humans have passed through. (You should know the basic list of important commands all dogs should know, such as sit, stay, come and so on. These commands are vital in the communication between you and your dog and should always be taught.)
6. When you have left the house or the room, even for a minute and come back in the room, ignore the dog for a few minutes.
7.NEVER make a huge fuss over the dog when you first come in, or give in to attention grabbing behavior. Go about your routine of getting settled in the house first, then give quality time and attention to the dog when you are both more relaxed.