Sometimes, a dog might not be showing signs of aggression, but instead the dog the signs of separation anxiety, such as pining, whining, or destructive behaviors when you leave the house.
A dog who questions his place in the household pack can sometimes cause him to suddenly strat tearing up doors and furniture. The dog is confused, and taking his anxiety out on your house. Chewing is like dog smoking-a potentially unhealthy but stress relieving activity that calms them down.
But it can be dangerous if they ingest something which sticks in their gut. And it can be annoying for you to come home to find one of each of every single one of your pairs of shoes destroyed (it happens!)
The one time I ever left my dog alone for a whole day when she wasn’t 100% herself, she open the flap of my desk, went through my papers, found the envelope with my rent money, and chewed through it! Luckily, I was able to salvage most of it at the bank with the exception of one twenty pound note. Now there is a dog with expensive tastes!
A dog who knows his place in his human pack is a happy dog. A dog who does not is a confused dog and can exhibit many unwanted behaviors because of it.
So make sure you try to establish a routine you can both live with, and stick to. A dog that knows what to expect is also a happy dog.