You can use a small box or even a low-sided can to put the “dust bath” in, as long as it allows ample room for a chinchilla to roll in it. Finely ground bone meal is one safe and inexpensive material you can use. These “dust baths” absorb the oil from your chinchillas fur leaving it very soft and clean.
The “dust bath” is an inherited characteristic unique to chinchillas and is a very amusing thing to watch. Using a low-sided can makes observing this all the more fun as you watch him roll “somersault-like” over and over until he has finished his “bath”.
You will need to know what to feed your new, furry little family member. Chinchillas require a high fiber diet; make sure to give them plenty of fresh hay every day. Timothy hay is best as alfalfa hay contains too much calcium in it. Knowing what to feed your chinchilla will have a large affect on the overall health of your pet.
Many chinchillas will take almost any kind of food from your hand so be sure that all who will be in contact with your pet know which things are good for them and which are not; candy, for instance, can make one very sick to his stomach as well as disrupt healthy eating habits.
Upon bringing your chinchilla home, make sure to “chinchilla-proof” it. They are very curious animals and may nibble or chew on things they are able to get to. You should make sure he can’t access things like electric cords or potentially poisonous house plants. Search the room thoroughly before you place your chinchilla down to play freely.