This is the Heartgard 26-50 pounds pack so you can identify it easily. Think GREEN for greater. Many male cocker spaniels and some pudgy females will be in this weight range. At the upper end of the range, we […]
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Heartworm Protection Dosing Issues 1
Speaking of heartworm, now that the weather is getting warmer, it is time to start thinking about giving it to them again if you do not give it year-round. If you do not give it every month, they will have […]
Continue reading »Owner Surrender Cockers
This is Jennie-she was my first American cocker spaniel, a 16 year old owner surrender. I had her for 6 months until she passed away, but in that time, she was a wonderful companion. She would chase the squirrels in […]
Continue reading »Best friends forever
This is Buddy with his rescue brother Mr. Peppy. Mr Peppy is a tri-color cocker spaniel, that is, black, white, and tan/brown. Mr. Peppy was also a rescue found on the street when he was 8 to 11 years old. […]
Continue reading »Our Mascot Buddy
This is Buddy. He is a buff-colored American cocker spaniel. He is now 18 years old. He was a rescue at 14, found wandering on the street in bitterly cold weather. How could anyone ever turn their back on that […]
Continue reading »Labrador Retriever Intelligence
Recent animal studies prove that the Labrador Retriever is one out of six canine breeds with the highest intellect. It has been proven that the Labrador can count to the number five or more. The Labrador is capable of learning, […]
Continue reading »What to Name Your Labrador Retriever
Many owners have great difficulty in finding a name for their pet Labrador. The pet’s name does not have to be an outstanding prestigious name, It must only serve the purpose of communicating with or getting the attention of your […]
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