Chewing is an essential part of a puppy growing from puppyhood to adult doghood, but it can wreak havoc in many households, and can even be very dangerous, if not outright deadly for your pet We try to baby-proof our […]
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Guide to Buying a Pet Crate
A pet crate is not just for puppyhood, it should be for life. Because dogs are den animals, a crate is a great home to a dog, a place where he can feel safe, keep his toys, and generally go […]
Continue reading »Crate Training Your Puppy Hints and Tips
You’ve probably discovered by now that buying a crate for your new puppy is highly recommended. So you’re in the pet store, and there they are: row after row of crates, just big enough for a dog, made of plastic, […]
Continue reading »How to Get the Perfect Dog For Your Family: Create It
Anyone considering getting a dog must understand the absolute necessity of properly training and socializing your dog. It is never too early, or too late, to start. There is an enormous amount of information and support available over the internet, […]
Continue reading »Your New Puppy’s Shopping List
Your New Puppy’s Shopping List It is tempting to want to buy everything in the world to pamper your pet. While it is not quite true to say all it needs is love, there is also no need to go […]
Continue reading »Bad Dog, Or Bad Owner?
Many people complain they have a ‘bad’ dog, but the truth of the matter is, there are usually only bad OWNERS. If they got the dog as a puppy, then the reason why their dog is badly behaved is because […]
Continue reading »Pets are a true gift
As humans it is our responsibility to be their friend and care for them as best we can. With that goal in mind, we have launched this site, to give you help, advice, information, and newsworthy items about the wonders […]
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