American Cocker Spaniel Breed Details 4

The eyes need regular cleaning. Often the ears will as well. Many cockers can be allergic so it is good to clean these areas every day when the pet is young to avoid issues and them being head shy later on.

Some owners prefer to leave the coat long, brushing daily and shampooing frequently with regular scissoring and clipping. Others prefer to clip the coat to medium length to be more functional. Either way, the dog will need regular trimming.

When brushing, be careful not to pull out the silky hair. There is a thick dense undercoat on many of the breed. Hair can range from straight to very curly. This breed is an average shedder.

Make sure you keep an eye out for ear and eye inflammation when you are grooming.

The popular Cocker Spaniel, sometimes called the American Cocker Spaniel, was originally developed from careful breeding of the English Cocker Spaniels brought to the United States. The American Cocker Spaniel is quite a bit smaller than the English Cocker Spaniel and has a different conformation, especially regarding length and placement of the tail.
The name “Cocker” comes from the woodcock, a game bird these spaniels flushed particularly well from the bushes whilst out hunting.

Today, the Cocker Spaniel serves primarily as a companion and glamorous show dog. It can also be used for hunting, tracking, retrieving, watchdogging and agility.

Gun Dog, AKC Sporting


FCI = Fédération Cynologique Internationale
AKC = American Kennel Club
UKC = United Kennel Club
KCGB = Kennel Club of Great Britain
CKC = Canadian Kennel Club
ANKC = Australian National Kennel Club
NKC = National Kennel Club
NZKC = New Zealand Kennel Club
CKC = Continental Kennel Club
CCR = Canadian Canine Registry
APRI = American Pet Registry Inc.
ACR = American Canine Registry

Summary=The American cocker spaniel is a lively, engaging companion. It does not get too large, but nor is it a lap dog. It should be very gentle with children, but they should be taught to be gentle with it. They love toys and can hoard and be territorial. Always let it have a crate for its den, and to stop it from thinking it is the alpha of the pack.

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