A Reality Check for Potential Pet Owners Part 1

Owning a pet is a big decision for anybody and should be given a deep thought before attempting to get one.  There are many constraints which should be considered like expenditure, care, time, effort, devotion, and so on.

 All too often, people end up with pets because they are fashionable or seem cute. The reality is, that they are a living creature, not a fashion accessory.  No one should give into their whim to have a pet without understanding that like a marriage, this is supposed to be a lifetime commitment, in sickness and health, til death. It will be at least a 15 year marriage in many cases, as dogs and cars live longer than ever before.


It happens far too frequently—the pet is a novelty for a while, cute when it is a puppy, but then the honeymoon is over and the owner/s simply get bored   with the pet or tired of taking care of the pet.

Amazingly, they have even spent a small fortune on the pet!  You think they would value it after having paid for it. We also have to point out how much good that money could do if donated to a shelter, rather than given to an often unscrupulous pet breeder exploiting people and animals. There is nothing more horrendous than a puppy mill.

Remember too that every baby animal is pretty adorable, but as it gets older, it can  the animal can develop behavioral patterns which the owner might find unacceptable later on.

 Continues in A Reality Check for Potential Pet Owners Part 2


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