Bichon Frise 1


The Bichon Frise is a breed that is sweet-tempered, merry, and eager, always wanting to please his owners and family. These dogs are very engaging and entertaining and make for great companions. They have a very gentle nature and are sensitive and affectionate. They can sometimes be a bit too sensitive.

This is a little dog that loves to play, and is very sociable with plenty of personality and a fun loving disposition. The Bichon Frise is a dog that loves to spend time with his family and loves interaction with humans and other animals. They do need plenty of attention and devotion, and love to perform tricks and show off.

They are very adaptable, and will be happy in various living environments. However, although they do love to play and frolic outside as well as go for walks, this is not a dog for someone that likes to spend too much time outdoors.  they often have allergies, especially to grass, manifested as a lot of foot licking, and brown around the mouth and feet from their saliva.

The Bichon Frise is good for novice dog owners as well as more experienced ones, and will fare well around considerate children. He will also get on well with other pets and is amiable around strangers.

These dogs tend to not be too bossy or dominant, but they can be very independent. The males can sometimes be a bit alpha and bossy, however, if not disciplined. They have been described by some as “The iron paw in the velvet glove,” and our male was totally like that.

They can be chewers and nippers, and can get a bit plump if not disciplined. They will definitely suffer from separation anxiety and become destructive and naughty generally if they are left alone for too many hours.

Housebreaking the Bichon Frise can be a difficult task, especially males, and some can be quite noise with their high pitched barks.

All in all, the Bichon Frise is a wonderful little dog with a cheerful outlook, bags of enthusiasm, a sociable personality, and is perfect as a family pet or companion dog if you are willing to put the work into him.

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