Buying from breeders versus Rescuing A Pet Part 11
In the same way, you should deal with your dog in the same way, training it to be a well socialized and adjusting living being which needs to go out into the world and meet all sorts of people and situations.
Dogs and cats are not disposable and they are not all the same. We all have our own personal preferences and lifestyles, and that is fine, but again, don’t have a child if you are not prepared for the responsibility and consequences.
Choose the right kind of pet for you. If you live in a place with harsh winters, for example, or scorching temperatures, it would be understandable that you might not be able to walk a dog, in which case, a cat is fine.
The type of dog that will fit into your lifestyle will not be the type of dog that will fit into your neighbor’s lifestyle. It is all a question of personality.
Also think about what you would do if your pet got sick. Labradors are great dogs, but how would you lift it, or go up and down the stairs with it if it got sick?
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