The only thing that is going to change the pet population explosion and profusion of unwanted pets is the attitude of the general public. When one decides to buy a cute little puppy or kitten, the decision should be looked at as a minimum 15 year commitment.
If one cannot, or does not, wish to commit this amount of time to a dog or cat, do NOT buy a puppy or kitten, and than pass your problem off to someone else when it grows up, and the situation does not work out as you thought it would.
In the same way that a person decides to have a human baby, things will not be perfect. You need to expect the unexpected, and will also have to put in the time and commitment to train and give attention to the pet.
The child will not be perfect. They will be expensive and give us all sorts of issues to deal with. Most prospective parents read at least one how to book, consult websites, do their research.
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