Natural Flea Control Part 9

1-Drive fleas out of your house.
Try to roast them out. This is the quickest way to destroy fleas. Their preferred temperature is only up to about 80 degrees, so you only have to heat your house to about 90 degrees to kill them.

Remove children, plants and pets, close up your house, and turn up the heat to the highest setting. Go on an outing for the day; when you return, the fleas will be killed.

Alternately, freeze them out, putting your a/c onto the coldest setting. When you get back, vacuum and clean your house thoroughly, use the anti-flea powder recommended, and claim your house back from these pesky little unwanted intruders.

2. Use a dehumidifier. Alternatively, or in addition to heat, use a dehumidifier to reduce humidity to a level where they can’t survive. Get the humidity down to less than 70 percent, and the fleas will leave. You’ll be more comfortable, too.

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