My name is Jennie. I am a princess in disguise.
My former owner didn’t really want to get rid of me, but he has a new wife, in a new house, and she was allergic to me.
Then I went to his mother, and was happy there, but she got sick and could not take care of me.
So after only a couple of weeks, I ended up being boarded at the vet, and lived there til I was taken in by someone who wants to give me a forever home.
I am a sensitive creature who loves people so it was sad to not have my own human to give me attention, and I was exhausted from all the noise at the vets.
It was very kind of .Abandoned Angels in flushing to find a home for me, and a nice lady who told me she liked older dogs, and especially cocker spaniels, let me come stay with her.
I got dropped off with my new crate, bed, dog stairs, bowls, cases of food and medicine, and I have been with my new mom for about the past 10 days, and I am loving every minute of it now that I am feeling so much better.
I was scared at first. I weighed only 15 pounds and was skin, bone and matted fur. I think I was having too much thyroid medicine. People just think I am old! and forget I am a person too.
I was eating Science diet mature, but that only made the pee and poo worse. They were giving me proin, I was still peeing gallons.
But all of these issues are clearing up now.
My former owner had me only 8 years. He rescued me from
I am terrified if I have an accident and poo in the house.
Fortunately, my new nice mommy does not mind. She puts doggie bloomers on me that she gets from Drs Foster and Smith on me and I sleep through the night like a baby.
She tells me I am a good walker and very adorable, and everyone else seems to think so, they all hug and kiss me. I get along well with other dogs and children, and boy, do I love to walk on a leash and go to the park to chase pigeons.
I have gained about 2 -3 pounds since my new mommy put me on Nutro Ultra, and I just had my second bath and am looking gorgeous if I do say so myself.
I am told that all cocker spaniels are lively, engaging companions. I think I fit the bill for a girl my age!
So if you are ever thinking of rescuing a dog and making its last days happy ones, please consider an older pet. We have a lot of life left in us and a lot of love to give. Just because we are no longer puppies does not mean we should just be caged and forgotten. Or dumped. You want to be treated with respect and dignity when you’re older, don’t you?
So please do the same for your dog, and just think of me whenever you think of a princess having a happily ever after ending.
Your friend Jennie,
the 15 year old Abandoned Angel
and my new mommy
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