A final word
Pet care is the most important factor when you are deciding which pet is right for you and your home. You will need to factor in time, expense, effort involved, and ever after you choose a dog, cat, fish, reptile or bird, you will need to look further into the cost and care for the particular breed.
Go online and do your research, and consider all the pet care needs of the animals you are considering adopting (or purchasing) at well as costs and grooming and where you are living and your budget in order to determine if they will have a happy place in your home for the long term, and that it is a decision you and your whole family can live with not just in the short-term, but the long term.
It is roughly a 12-15 year marriage once you get a pet, so do your research and be prepared for the commitment before you make it.
Also beware of getting pets around the holidays, as a ‘gift’ and during the summer time or other periods when you might be taking vacation. It’s best to have the pet adjust to what is going to be the normal routine in your household, rather than the rare occasions of holidays or vacation, so it will get an appropriate routine, and you will be able to integrate all of the tasks involved with the pet along with your regular to do list.
After all, YOU have a choice. The pet has very few. And looking at all the animals currently in shelters dying to find a good home, or literally dying BEFORE they can find a good home because the shlters are so crowded, it is all the more reason to look before you leap when it comes to pet ownership.
Word Count: 2727 words