Frontline Dosing Issues 4

The larger Frontline covers 89 to 132 pounds, the upper weight of an English cocker will be on the lower end of that spectrum. Here is what all the packs look like side by side, with the largest size the black faced dog with white trim on the lower right. Think Black for BiGGEST. As I said, luckily, if you are an American Cocker owner, the one with the cocker on it will be the one to buy in most cases, 23 to 44 pounds.

Flea and tick protection is essential in the warmer months, but with the strange weather we have been having in the past few years, I have been giving it every month as well. Poor Buddy’s plush blond ears were infested with baby ticks in December and I spent a day with tweezers getting them all out. ick.