Also keep in mind that a reputable shelter should not just give a pet away to just anyone. They should have rules and regulations, and enforce them.
You may remember the instance in which a famous talk show host had adopted a dog from a shelter and decided to give it away to another family because it seemed to suit them better.
According to the rules of the shelter, she was prohibited from transferring the dog to another family. Thus, the dog was taken back to the shelter, and subsequently adopted by another family. Both parties who loved the dog ended up being the losers in all of this because they did not think carefully about the responsibility they were taking on, or the fact that they were not following the rules which were set down for the welfare of the animal.
Most of the good shelters will ask many questions before allowing you to adopt a pet. This is to ensure that you are sincere about the impending adoption as well as for the care and protection of the animal, and that your personality is evenly matched with the animal. They need to make sure that you understand the care that is involved, and any special issues you need to watch out for, particularly health issues.
Not everyone is able to cope with an unwell pet. And certainly most people don’t want to deal with an older animal. It is a sad fact that most cats and dogs are deemed ‘unadoptable’ if they are over age 6.
Also, many people just want puppies, but a young adult or more mature pet usually does not need all the basic training that a puppy would. So do keep an open mind when it comes to age, since adult dogs certainly need good homes too.