A boxer dog had many uses in 1895; these dogs were used to pursue bear, wild boar and deer. The boxer’s task was to hold the prey in the area until the hunters arrived to kill the animals. With the athletic build that the boxer dog acquired, it made hunting quicker for hunters to put food on the table to feed their families.
A boxer’s job also consisted of guarding police officers on duty; they would be willing to take a bullet just to save their partner’s life. They also assisted fire fighters to rescue people from burning buildings. With their strong muscular bodies, the boxer dog could in fact carry a small child to safety, while at the same time be willing to lose its own life in the process. Boxer dogs have also assisted the Coast Guard with rescuing people who went adrift in the ocean.
Many farmers used boxers for herding cattle and sheep; the boxer is still being, used for this same reason today. Boxer dogs will keep wolves and other wild animals off your farm that you may not be able to see or hear. These massive dogs will fight off anything that is after your livestock, or anything that is not supposed to be on your farm at all.
However, somewhere along the way, boxers became companion animals, but still had jobs. The boxer is capable of showing love and affection, as well as protecting its family. Boxer dogs love children and need to interact with people whenever possible.
Boxers are a great companion for anyone who likes being in the great outdoors. Boxer loves to hunt by nature. A boxer will assist you in tracking down large game, and holding it there until you arrive to kill it. In addition, the boxer will protect you from any wild animals while you are out camping with your family. Your boxer will go fishing with you and even ride in your boat with you.
It has even been said that a boxer dog will stay with a lost child that is crying for its mother until someone arrives, as well as protect the child if it has to. Boxers are intelligent dogs and can tell the difference between children and adults. It has been known that all boxer dogs love to interact with children of all ages. The boxer will never harm a child for any reason. The boxer dog will in fact give its life for the child if it must.
There is a story that a boxer dog jumped over his fence to save a baby from being run over by a car, sensing that the child was in danger. The boxer saw the car coming toward the baby. The boxer picked the baby up by his cloth diaper, carried the baby to the side of the road to safety, and waited until the baby’s older brother came for the baby.