When you bring your new boxer puppy home, you should start house training it as soon as possible. Many new dog owners will start out by using old newspapers for their dog to potty on; it will more than likely soak up the urine. However, many dog owners will put the dog on a tile floor instead of on the carpet; this will keep the urine from soaking throw the newspaper and into the carpet. In addition, this method will let the dog know that he or she can always come back to this area to potty in, and not get into trouble for relieving itself somewhere else in the house.
However, if your dog is going to be outside most of the time, then training him or her to potty in the house could fail over time, especially when the paper is removed. The dog will remember that it is okay to go potty where the paper was placed. Moreover, when your dog is outside, give it a large area just for itself; this could be a place where he will sleep, eat, relieve himself, etc. Many dog owners have a certain set schedule where they wake up in the morning and let their dog outside to go potty. This will keep him or her from using the carpet to relieve itself.
Crate training is another kind of method you as a dog owner could use for potty training. However, it is, not recommended to leave the dog in the crate for a long period as the dog will not go potty in the same area he is resting in. Moreover, this method will teach your boxer that he or she must hold the urge to go potty.
Moreover, some dog owners will testify that their dog will in fact use a litter box in the house. When using the litter box as a place for your dog to go potty, remember to leave the litter box in the area where you first put it. If you constantly move the litter box around the house, then your dog may not make it to the litter box, and go potty on your carpet instead. Moreover, when litter box training, remember that dogs do not cover up their feces as cats do. Therefore, the litter box needs to be cleaned out frequently.
However, if all of these methods fail to work, and the dog by accident relieves itself on your carpet, do not scold your dog or rub his or her nose in it. You will be doing more damage than good, as this will only confuse the dog. Simply take the dog to the appropriate area and show the dog where to go potty. After a while, you will get better results from your dog if this method of litter training is done properly.