Before you ever decide on acquiring an active dog, such as a boxer, for you and your family, it is best if you have a big yard for your dog to run around in as boxers are very active dogs and need plenty of space for exercise. In addition, it would not be advisable for you to own a boxer if you lived in an apartment building as a boxer is a big dog, weighing from 55 to 75 pounds or more.
On the other hand, if you are a very active family that lives in a house or on a farm, that would be the perfect place for a dog of this size as there is plenty of room for you and your family to play with and chase after your boxer dog. In addition, there would be a lot of exciting things for your dog to entertain himself with, such as chasing ducks.
If you were looking for a dog that will protect you and your family, then a boxer would be the right choice for you and your family. Boxer dogs are highly protective of their master, as well as the family and the yard that your boxer lives in. In addition, boxers are very intimidating, because of their size, and you will never have to worry about a stranger coming around your house, or your family for that matter.
However, you will need to introduce your boxer to all of your friends and family members who may suddenly show up unexpectedly. If your boxer dog does not know who they are, then he may attack them. In addition, it would be best to introduce your dog to friends and family at a young age; in this way, your dog will know who is allowed on your property and who is not. Therefore, proper training will need to be established.
If however, you are, still wanting a boxer dog for you and your family, keep in mind that a boxer is going to grow to be a big dog; therefore he will eat a large amount of food. In addition, vaccinations and vet visits could cost you a lot of money because of the size of the dog.
If you plan to leave for vacation, you will need someone to take care of your dog. However, many dog owners leave their pets with their vet for boarding, which can cost a lot of money. Many dog owners choose a neighbor that has socialized with the dog, or a parent, to take care of their dog while they are away. If you decide to leave someone else responsible for your pet, make sure you trust this person with the responsibility.