The Chinchilla is a very small rabbit-sized rodent, with big mouse-like ears, and a long tail. Chinchillas are considered to be exotic animals, and they have become popular as pets. A chinchilla is a very odd-looking creature, with ears of a mouse and a tail like that of a
squirrel. Its face resembles that of a mouse or hamster. Basically, it looks as though someone bred a mouse and a hamster together.
Chinchillas have been around for many years, going as far back as the 1500s from a tribe in Peru called the Chinchas tribe. This tribe would wear their fur as clothing and ate the chinchillas as a food source. These little creatures almost became extinct because many people were hunting them. Chinchillas became valuable and hunted for the value of their fur.
Many years ago, chinchillas lived in rock crevices or burrows made by them. This would keep them protected from scavengers, and also from people. Many need to be in cool places, one reason being that chinchillas can die from heat stroke.
Chinchillas are small so they are very prone to certain animals of prey, such as cats, dogs and hawks. Many hawks will eat them in the wild; this is why they live in burrows. Chinchillas will share burrows with each other, and will also look out and protect one another in the wild as well.
Chinchilla babies, called kits, being born fully haired and able to see, are unique creatures. Most babies born from other animals do not have their eyes open when they are born.
There are two types of chinchillas, one is a long-tailed chinchilla, and the other is a short-tailed chinchilla. The short-tailed chinchillas also have a thicker neck and shoulders, and shorter ears. Chinchillas have a natural variety of colors, for instance gray still live in the wild, among other colors, such as beige, white and ebony.
Chinchillas at one time were a dying breed of animal, many years ago. People hunted them and killed them for food and for their fur. However, now the chinchilla is vast in numbers. A chinchillas is no longer just used for the fur industry; they are being kept as pets!
Chinchilla pets have grown in popularity in the last several years. Now thanks to some wildlife researchers, Chinchillas are back in new fashion as pets on the market. Now someone can have the pleasure of these unique-looking animals as pets.
So if you are still not sure what a chinchilla is, well then just look around at your local pet store. Remember they look like a cross between a hamster and a mouse, but bigger. And now, when you see one you may want to take it home with you.