Different Guinea Pig Breeds
Many people don’t realize that there are more than twenty breeds of guinea pigs. Most people believe that one guinea pig is just like the next, but this isn’t true. In fact, each breed of guinea pig looks completely different from the others. The most common breeds are the Abyssinian, the Peruvian, the Silkie, the Crested Guinea Pig, the Teddy Guinea Pig, the Texel, and the Coronet.
The Abyssinian is the most common guinea pig, and he has a coat of fur that consists of numerous swirls, which are called rosettes. A pure-bred Abyssinian will have at least eight of these swirls, and they appear in a symmetrical pattern. The Abyssinian often looks like he just rolled out of bed.
The Peruvian has a coat of fur that is both smooth and straight. The Peruvians hair will grow to be several inches long, and will naturally fall to the sides, with a part in the middle. These guinea pigs require a great deal of grooming to keep their hair from matting.
The Silkie is also referred to as a Sheltie. His fur is very long and silky, but it does not fall with a natural part in the middle. The Silkie’s hair falls backward, from his head.
The Crested Guinea Pig is a short-haired animal, but he does have one rosette on his forehead. In this breed, there is also a White Crested Guinea Pig, which is also referred to as the American Crested Guinea Pig. As his name indicates, his rosette is white in color.
Other Crested Guinea Pigs are commonly known as English Crested Guinea Pigs.
The Teddy Guinea Pig is another short-haired animal, but he does not have a rosette, and his hair has a kinky texture, much like a poodle’s hair. He looks much like a well-loved teddy bear.
The Texel is not a common guinea pig. His hair is long and curly, giving him a very distinctive appearance. Like other long-haired guinea pigs, this particular breed requires a lot of grooming to keep his hair in good shape.
The Coronet Guinea Pig is another long-haired animal, but he does have a rosette, which is located in the center of his forehead. He also requires a great deal of grooming.
Aside from these breeds, there are other guinea pigs. Another well-loved breed is the hairless guinea pig, which is completely bald. Other guinea pigs include the Merino and the Alpaca. So, as you can see, there really are many different breeds of guinea pigs, and each one is unique.