The Importance Of Regular Dog Vaccinations As Part Of Your Dog’s Overall Care Part 5

Your dog’s overall health will also be affected by your mesh of personalities.

A bichon may look like an adorable powder puff, but it is easily one of the most domineering breeds you could ever come across.  Plus, it requires extensive grooming, and is very sensitive in terms of both health and personality.

Cocker spaniels are more laid back, but very possessive of toys, food, and their families. They can become allergic, and often get bad ears, and skin problems as they age. Their coat is lovely, but can take time to maintain, particularly if they have a more curly coat.

We have already talked about huskies and golden retrivers. They are lovely dogs, but if you are not prepared to put in the work, choose a less ‘high maintenance’ breed.

All of these breeds mentioned have specific health problems you will need to look out for if you decide to get one, so again, check with your vet about vaccinations, and any preventive steps you can take to try to avoid these diseases or healthcare issues.

Personality is also key when thinking about the general health of your dog.  From a young age, you need to be the boss, and not let the puppy get spoiled.  You should handle your pet’s head and ears, brush its teeth, and handle its rear end. That will make it a lot less snappy at the vet, and also be a real blessing if you ever have to medicate your animal. There is nothing harder than trying to get a pill into a dog with ‘lock jaw’ because he won’t open his mouth.

Fortunately, a lot of dog vitamins and heartworm are in palatable chewy treats now.

Your vet will also be able to give vaccinations more easily, and take your dog’s temperature, if your dog is not ‘butt shy’.

Part of owning a pet, especially a dog, is to provide it with love and attention.  . Proper care on a daily basis will lead to a lot fewer problems down the road.  Establishing a routine wit your pet, be it a routine feeding time or visiting the vet for the proper vaccinations is a must.

Dog Vaccinations: A Final word

Vaccinations can affect the longevity of your dog just like a proper diet and exercise.  They are essential to their overall care, and an ounce of prevention is worth thousands of dollars of (attempted) cure.  If you want to take your dog to an outside groomer, a puppy play date or day care, or if you want to board you dog, or travel with your dog, you will always need up to date vaccinations certificates from the vet. If you want to ever show your dog, you would need the same vaccination certification.

The best thing about vaccinations is peace of mind. Your dog should be your best friend, and you want to have as long and enjoyable a life with it as possible. If your dog has been kept up to date on vaccinations, then even if he should be unfortunate enough to become ill, you will be able to rule out a lot of conditions simply because you know he has been vaccinated against them.

So do your research on your breed, their health issues, the vaccinations they need, and know you are doing your best, as you would for a child, to help them live a long, happy and healthy life by immunizing them against dangerous diseases.
The Importance Of Regular Dog Vaccinations As Part Of Your Dog’s Overall Care Part 55 parts,
Word Count: 2722

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