Whenever puppy ventures outdoors, he will need to wear a collar and leash. They come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Puppy’s collar should allow room for growth. It just needs to keep puppy from getting away, not necessarily make a fashion statement. Besides, puppy will probably chew on his collar or leash the first few times you put it on him anyway, so spending a fortune on one is not always a good choice. Some people prefer harnesses, which go around the dog’s legs and chest. We don’t recommend them for large breeds on the ground that it will give them that much more pulling power. Use a regular collar, or a so-called ‘choke chain’ for walking and training. It may sound cruel, but it does give a sense to the dog of how hard he is pulling, and how he needs to stop and take it easy so he is not towing you all around the block. The way I was trained to use it was to click it, in other words, with a little flick of the wrist, it would make a particular noise, and make the dog pay attention more, to sit, stay, and walk on. I also had a little clicker for this, and a small metal tin with treats in it for reinforcement.
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