Puppies for sale
Puppies free to good home
One thing we can all agree on, puppies are cute.
All too often I get asked, “What kind of dog is that?”
In most cases the person is pointing at an adorable picture or living example of a very young puppy.
Then they say, “Oh, how cute.”
The trouble is, those adorable little puppies grow up to be adult dogs, who are not always quite so pretty and charming.
Puppies can be cute and adorable. They can also be a lively and willful handful that can cause pandemonium and destruction.
It is true, you can pick them up and cuddle with them, but the trouble is, you haven’t got 18 years to try to raise them right before they go off to college. At best you have about 3 months, and frankly, some people have no clue how to go about succeeding.
Raising puppies is similar to raising children in a lot of respects. Puppies are babies and like human babies. They need a lot of sleep and will often fall asleep on your lap. Who can resist these adorable puppies.
But puppies can also be mischievous, defiant and destructive. Getting a puppy is a lot of work and a long-term commitment, a 15 year marriage with no divorce unless you want a traumatized older animal on your hands. It is til death of the pet do you part, and definitely in sickness (and vet’s bills) and in health.
It is a time and financial commitment that needs to be thought through carefully.
Don’t get me wrong, it is terrific if you want to go to rescue an animal from one of the many shelters that are packed full at the moment. But you owe it to yourself and the pet to stop and think about what you are letting yourself and your family in for before you make that choice.