West Highland White Terrier Appearance
The West Highland White Terrier is a sweet, elegant looking dog, and is small, sturdy, and hardy. He has a very appealing expression, with his dark eyes and black button nose.
The coat of the West Highland White Terrier is soft and dense underneath, with a wiry outer coat. The coloring of these dogs is solid white, hence the name. A little touch of lemon is acceptable, and his tail should be shaped like a carrot and carried jauntily.
The West Highland White Terrier weighs in at around 14-18 pounds for females, and 15-20 pounds for males. The height of these dogs is around 10 inches for females and 11 inches for males. He is a doughty little beast fit for all terrains and will do well with as much or little exercise and grooming as you want to give your companion animal.