Protecting your dog on the 4th of July

The 4th of July is here, and while it represents fun for most of us, it can be a torment for a sensitive dog. They might cower, howl, or just act very nervous, and the loud bangs and whooshes can really throw them into a really distressed state.

Sadly, some depraved people will also throw them at people, or pets, so here are a few handy hints for you and your pet to stay safe. Happy Independence Day!

How to protect your dog on the 4th of July from fireworks:

1. Don’t take your dog to the fireworks. Make s/he is at home and calm. There is great coverage on the TV, AND often more than one fireworks show to watch!

2. Don’t try too hard to reassure your dog during a fearful event with petting, soothing words, or extra attention, as this can sometimes make their problem worse because they think you are worried too.

3. Some dogs are very sensitive to peoples’ moods may be influenced by the way that you react to the noise. It is best to act normal. You might also play with the dog to distract it til the fireworks are over,

4. If you must leave your dog alone, consider what would make your dog most at ease given there might be noise going on outside the house. Bring your dog indoors if they usually stay outside. Give them a place to feel safe. Do they love their crate? Would music or the TV block out the sounds? Make sure you leave an a/c on if it is hot, with plenty of food and fresh water, and things that comfort them, like their favorite toys or chews.

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