More Around the house rules for you and your dog
14. Always use a crate for your dog. It is not a prison, it is their home and den where they can feel secure, and go to rest and relax and get away from the children. It can also be used for time outs if the dog is a bit uncontrollable or has been bad.
15. Dogs must NOT sleep in your bed. The comfortable bed is reserved for the higher humans. It is your territory, in the same way that the crate is his.
16. Dogs must never be allowed to mouth or bite anyone at any time, including in play. Do not permit a nippy dog, even if it is teething. Give it appropriate toys to play with. Homeopathic baby tooth gel can help with a teething dog, especially for large breeds, or terriers.
17. Any attention given to the dog, including petting should be given when the human decides attention is to be given (absolutely NO Petting when the dog nudges or paws you or your hand or leg, or tried to ‘hold hands’ by putting your hand in his mouth. . This would be letting the dog decide and reinforcing, in his mind, that he is higher on the scale than the human. DO give them structured time and play on a routine basis every day so he knows what to expect.