More Around the house rules for you and your dog
10. You are the one who greets newcomers first, the dog is the last who gets attention (the pack leader is the one who greets newcomers and lets the rest know when it is safe to greet the newcomer)
11. If a dog is laying in your path, do not walk around the dog, step over the dog.
12. During the time you are establishing your higher pack position, no hugs should be given to the dog by you, as a dominant dog may consider this a challenge of power.
13. If you establish eye contact with the dog, the dog must avert his gaze first. If the human averts first, this reinforces the dogs higher power position. Tell the children NOT to have staring contest with the dog. If they avert or blink first, it will only reinforce, in the dogs mind, that He is Top Dog, and he could get aggressive with them.