Irish Terrier 1

Irish Terrier Temperament

The Irish Terrier is a dog that is very loyal and friendly, yet also very determined and territorial. These dogs have spirit, courage, and plenty of energy, making them ideal as watchdogs, companions, and family pets.

This is a dog with great agility, and his boundless energy means that he does need a lot of exercise, which means that he will fare best with more active owners. These dogs thrive on physical stimulation and plenty of attention, and neglect will often lead to boredom and destructive behavior such as chewing.

The one time I ever left my female alone for a whole day when she wasn’t 100% herself, she open the flap of my desk, went through my papers, found the envelope with my rent money, and chewed through it! Luckily, I was able to salvage most of it at the bank with the exception of one twenty pound note. Now there was a dog with expensive tastes!

The Irish Terrier loves to jump, dig, chase, and in many cases bark, so if you are looking for a quiet, calm dog then this is probably not the breed for you. He loves playing games of fetch and tug, since he was breed as a ratter to keep down vermin.

The Irish Terrier is a very territorial dog, and can be very wary with strangers. This does make him an effective watchdog, and he will be protective of and loyal to his family. However, you should not allow him to be too protective. Always make sure they know you are the alpha of the house.

When it comes to other pets, the Irish Terrier can be both dominant and aggressive – any pet that tries to stand up to the Irish Terrier will have the bear the wrath of this breed. Fortunately, most of the time, it is so self-assured, it knows it is king of the pack and does not react, it just herds the others.

Strange animals will usually be challenged by the Irish Terrier, and owners should be warned that smaller animals such as rodents and rabbits may not live to see another day if they get in the way of these dogs, since they are bred to keep down vermin.

On the other hand, the Irish Terrier tends to get along well with children providing they are gentle and considerate. They can be very protective of babies in the house, even defending them against their own fathers. They will often be seen sitting by the crib.

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