Saving energy this winter in your home

Even though oil prices seem to be dropping at the moment, why pay more than you have to? And, you might also want to consider global warming.


There are a lot of myths about being energy efficient in the home. Here are a few myths versus facts. The more you learn, the more you can save.


So stay warm this winter with these handy hints and tips.



Furnace filters work no matter how long they’re in use.



Replacing or cleaning old filters can reduce dust and save 5% in heating costs.



Keeping drapes and blinds closed keeps in heat.



Opening up drapes and blinds on windows facing the sun lets the sun in, heating your home for free. Southern exposures will catch the sun pretty much all day.



Fireplaces are great sources of warmth in the winter.



Fireplaces pull heated air out of the house, so use it sparingly and be sure the damper is closed when it’s not in use.



Humidifiers add moisture to the air, making it feel cold.



Moister air feels warmer, so by adding a humidifier, you can set your thermostat lower, to help you save money.



Only experts can tell if your outer doors have air leaks.



Place a piece of paper between the door and frame and shut the door. If you can pull the paper out without tearing it, you should weather-strip around the door to keep the heat in and the cold out this winter.


Are your money attitudes holding you back?

Everyone is worried about money these days, so now might be a good time to take a look at the psychology of money.

It is actually a very fraught emotional issue, based on attitudes you may have picked up from your family, and might not even know you have.

From hoarding to happy go lucky, we all have a complex relationship with money.

This article helps you examine your money attitudes, so that with a little adjustment, you will be able to ride out this bumpy economic rollercoaster without too much stress, and leave yourself even stronger financially.

Money attitudes
