Obama Debate, or Obama Debacle?

He is now complaining about the format of the debate that he clearly lost with his lackluster performance last night:


Well, sorry, but do you seriously think, Mr. Obama, that the Republicans are going to go easy on you? Plus, the American people have a right to know who has the nerve to be trying to win the Democratic Party nomination, yet can’t even hold up to a bit of media scrutiny for the last couple of months compared to the resilience of Hillary Clinton, who has been in the public eye for 2 decades.

Your inexperience and inability to make a single unrehearsed point at this stage is patently showing, which is why the Democratic Party needs to give serious pause before awarding you the nomination.

And there are still key states who have NOT had their say, and key questions to be answered about Florida and Michigan delegates being seated and getting their say as part of the democratic process.

You complaining about the format of the debate is ridiculous–you had the floor for the first 45 minutes–you could have talked about anything you wanted. how can you be commander in chief if you can’t even have a commanding presence at a political debate? Sorry, but you are an empty suit.


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