Love, Romance And Long, Lingering Looks… Seeing, Focus, And Believing In Romantic Relationships Part 1

Love, romance and long, lingering looks…

That’s the stuff of what romance is made of, right?

Well, yes. In part.


There is nothing more exciting than meeting someone for the first time and feeling that spark. Or, with any luck, that bolt of lightning.

However, it doesn’t always strike, and yes, sometimes it can strike twice—or more. And sometimes it can also be a disaster.

There is nothing better than that rush of electricity and energy when you first meet a new romantic interest. But it can also fizzle out very quickly without additional energy being put into the relationship, hopefully on both sides.

Yet let’s face facts—how many guys really want to WORK on a relationship? They work from 9 to 5, sometimes longer, so for most guys, the high maintenance relationship is not something they are going to be interested in long-term.

For both genders, there is often the naïve assumption that relationships are just totally natural and happen all by themselves.

Then there is the other end of the spectrum—”I do all the work in this relationship.”

Let’s go back to that spark for a minute.  What if you were able to re-capture that sensation over and over again?  Eye contact, flirtiness, light touches and caresses, without being too suffocating, can all maintain that feeling of when you first met. It is all a question of focus.

It doesn’t sound like too much hard work, does it? You don’t have to cook gourmet meals, follow the Cosmo sex articles to the letter, or make sure his socks are ironed, for your man to think you are awesome, perfect even, so long as you keep that spark alive.

Read on in:
Love, Romance And Long, Lingering Looks… Seeing, Focus, And Believing In Romantic Relationships Part 2


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