Gibson’s interview of Palin appalling

As a lifelong Democrat, I found Gibson’s actions last night interviewing Sarah Palin totally deplorable, and your edit of the interview not much better.


The Bush doctrine has been defined in several ways since Charles Krauthammer first used in in 2001, and by your own journalists. It was a trick question. She gave the right answer the first time.


Exact words–nope. We saw the actual video.


Your edits–why keep the same Israel question 3 times–you asked, she answered. Trying to make her seem like she is being evasive, “were you,”you just came off as rude and so determined not to listen to a word she said that all you heard was yourself pontificating.


Combine that with tone, body language and facial expression, and I have never seen a worse performance from a supposed media professional.


Hats off to Palin for not uncrossing her legs and ‘accidentally’ kicking him!


I have given up on any hope of any rationality in this election and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.


Give us REAL issues, not what YOU or Gibson think they should be.  You may have won the ratings war, because people genuinely want to see what she has to say, but you have lost viewers!


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