Make and Freeze Recipes Review

Make and Freeze Recipes: Great Foods You Can Cook, Freeze, and Use Quickly and Easily by Carolyn Stone

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was impressed with how clear and well-written this book is and how well all the recipes I tried came out, right after being cooked, and also after being frozen. I can make my own ‘TV dinners’ from scratch now using all fresh ingredients and know exactly what is in them. GREAT for people with any food allergies. Busy people can live better for less and feed their whole family well. The recipes were written very clearly for even a beginner cook, so they can get good results.

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Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant Review

Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant: Ethnic and Regional Recipes from the Cooks at the Legendary RestaurantSundays at Moosewood Restaurant: Ethnic and Regional Recipes from the Cooks at the Legendary Restaurant by Carolyn B. Mitchell

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I remember eating in the restaurant and being so impressed I immediately wanted to learn how to cook like that myself. I have cooked my way through this book from cover to cover with my husband and the African peanut stew and empanadas are a family favorite we make often. These recipes are a bit more complicated than in some of the other books they have produced, but the results are impressive and well worth the extra effort.

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Even More Top Beauty Tips

1. When determining the compatibility of a shade of foundation with your own skin color, do not teston the back of your hand, which is always going to be darker than your face due to constant sun exposure and the fact that most people do not put moisturizer with SPF on their hands each day.
The best place to test it, aside from actually applying it on your face, of course, is under the chin, if you can, or your wrist.

2. Do facial exercises to firm and tone the muscles in your face. Lift the corners of your mouth into the widest smile you have. Hold this position to the count of five and repeat five times. If you are worried about wrinkles, reverse the effect with your biggest frown.

3. Make your foundation stay put all day by sealing it with loose powder. The powder will absorb the oil that melts your makeup.

4. Regularly clean the sponge you use to apply foundation so dust and dirt don’t build up, or replace it once each month. Dirty sponges and make-up will irritate your skin, particularly if you have sensitive skin and can lead to infections and the spread of acne.

5. Oily hair products could be the culprits if you tend to get acne on your forehead, hairline, and anywhere your hair might touch your face. Be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly of shampoo and conditioners. Also be careful when applying hair gel or spray. Even if they are not oily, they can be irritating. Keep your hair away from your face, particularly when apply any hairstyling product to it. Avoid touching your hair and then touching your face.


How to Get Started Making Natural Homemade Beauty Products

Top Tips for Healthy Skin All Year Round

How to Care for Your Skin and Reduce the Signs of Aging


A Few More Beauty Tips

1. Dark spots on your skin? Rub on lemon over the area and finish off with some moisturizing lotion. Citrus juices lighten dark spots but they tend to dry the skin. Lotion will counteract the drying effect. Be sure to not go in the sun for at least 30 minutes after you have applied the citrus juice, as it can stain skin and in some cases cause a rash.

2. Concealers are handy when you need to cover up blemishes quickly. To cover up red blemishes, use a concealer with a yellow tint. Avoid ones that are so pale they will make you look flat and pasty.

3. Cover the tip of your eyeliner pencil with a small plastic baggie and then dip it in hot, not boiling, water for a few seconds. Remove and apply. The eyeliner will go on much more smoothly, without tugging or scratching at the tender skin around your eyes.

4. If you have fine hair, try shampoos that contain wheat proteins and polymers. These ingredients make your hair look thicker by coating the hair shaft to help build it up, and help stop fine hair from breaking.

5. Natural-looking makeup can often start with a blending brush. Blend dark with light in your blush, eye color, even lipstick to add depth to your look. Light blush on the top of your cheekbone and darker on the underside (suck in your cheeks to apply) can add real contours to your face.

6. For an inexpensive and effective hair and scalp conditioner, mix one cup of olive oil with one egg and half a lemon and whisk it to an even consistency. Apply the mixture to the scalp and hair strands, working it all the way down to the ends. Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse well with warm water.


How to Get Started Making Natural Homemade Beauty Products

Top Tips for Healthy Skin All Year Round


How to Exfoliate Gently Without Expensive Skin Care Products

When it comes to skin care, it is important that you cleanse, tone, moisturize, and exfoliate on a regular basis. Many people spend a great deal of money on a range of products, but there is no need to empty your bank account and fill your medicine cabinet to perform all of these tasks.
Natural beauty remedies can save you a great deal of money and work just as well, if not better, than many of the commercial products for sale in stores. They can be better your skin because the natural remedies you use at home will not be full of chemicals, additives and preservatives.

If you want to utilize a natural, holistic regimen for skin exfoliation and save money at the same time, try gently rubbing a mixture of honey with a teaspoon of sugar mixed in on your skin. The honey soothes and tones and the sugar offers both a scrubbing effect, and fruit sugar acids to remove dull looking skin cells and help expose the radiant new skin underneath.

Once you have exfoliated by rubbing the mixture on your face gently for one minute, leaving on for another minute, giving one final massage, and then rinsing off thoroughly with warm water, it will be time to tone and moisturize.

If you want great looking skin, no matter what your skin type, this is an effective method for exfoliation which will cost pennies compared to what you would buy in the store and you will soon see the difference as your exfoliating reveals more healthy and radiant skin.


Antioxidants and Free Radicals: What You Need To Know

How to Get Started Making Natural Homemade Beauty Products

Winter Wellness: Top Health Tips to Stay Looking and Feeling Great All Winter

Green Tea: Health Benefits, Home Remedies and Recipes


Inexpensive Ways to Deal with Wrinkles on Your Skin

Ask any woman what her main beauty concern is, and if she is over 30, she will most likely say wrinkles and trying to stay younger-looking longer. Most men too would like to preserve their smooth, supple skin throughout their lives but few are sure of the best ways to accomplish this.

With so many “anti-aging” products on the market, it can be almost impossible to sort through the helpful compared with the hype. The truth is that many natural remedies can actually be more effective than the expensive products you see on store shelves. This is because skin care treatments you can create in small, fresh batches at home will not contain all the chemicals, additives and preservatives of the products in bottles and jars. They will have no perfumes or other irritants that can clog pores, cause irritation, and actually worsen the appearance of your skin.

There are a number of ways to deal with the effect of aging upon the skin. The first is to learn more about antioxidants and free radicals. Free radicals are rogue molecules that can cause cellular damage and are thought to be one of the main causes of aging, and even cancer in the body, including skin cancer. The process of robbing the molecules is called oxidation, so antioxidants can protect against free radicals. Some antioxidants can be delicious, like blueberries and green tea, so adding these to your diet can help rejuvenate your skin.

Castor oil is a cheap and effective eye cream that will allow the thin, delicate skin around the eyes to retain necessary oils for a smooth complexion. Massage it around the eye area before bedtime for a powerful boost to the skin around your eyes.

Another way to diminish the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes are a pair of cucumber slices. Apply and relax for about ten minutes.

Citrus juices can tone and tighten the skin to make fine lines and wrinkles disappear, so one wrinkle-fighting mask to try would be to beat one egg white together with two teaspoons of orange juice, one-half teaspoon of lemon juice and a few drops of sweet almond oil. Mix these ingredients thoroughly and apply to your face and neck (which can start getting wrinkled and crepey-looking) and avoiding the eye area. Let it dry for thirty minutes and then rinse well with warm water.

One of the cheapest and best ways to prevent wrinkles is through your diet. Make sure your daily meals are full of antioxidants (as mentioned above) and vitamins (especially Vitamins A through E) to assist your skin in fighting off the effects of aging and the loss of elasticity.

You should also make it a point to include Omega-3 oils in your diet at least three times a week. The fatty acids found in Omega-3 oils are one of the best ways to help maintain smooth skin and keeps its elasticity and flexibility.

Eat a well-balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables and lean protein, and you could find that “eating a rainbow” every day is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your appearance and get rid of your wrinkles.


Antioxidants and Free Radicals: What You Need To Know

How to Get Started Making Natural Homemade Beauty Products

Winter Wellness: Top Health Tips to Stay Looking and Feeling Great All Winter

Green Tea: Health Benefits, Home Remedies and Recipes
