Health Concerns During Pregnancy Part 2

Part 2 of 2 parts.

Gush of liquid

This could mean you are in labor and that your water broke. However, if it isn’t close to the time of birth it can be something else. Call your doctor immediately and head for the emergency room.



While you are pregnant it is easy to become dehydrated, especially if you have morning sickness or just don’t drink your 8 glasses of water per day that are recommended. If you find yourself pale, with a dry mouth, or dizzy, you could be dehydrated and should be seen by a doctor. Dehydration can cause premature labor and/or distress on the pregnancy.


Painful urination

This could be caused by a urinary tract infection, also known as UTI. This can be easily treated with medication or by drinking lots of fluids and cranberry juice.

A urinary tract infection isn’t something to be embarrassed about. It is very common amongst pregnant women. The growing belly pushes against your ureters, the tubes from your bladder, and makes it harder for urine to flow through. Incomplete emptying of the bladder can lead to a persistent feeling of having to go. Imcomplete emptying can cause infection. If you have a foul odor when you urinate, or have a stinging or persistent sensation of having to go, you most like have a UTI.

Pregnancy can be worrying enough, without adding to your fears by being reluctant to talk to your doctor because you think you are being a nuisance. By all means read up and stay well-informed, but also stay in touch with your doctor.

Don’t stress over every little change in your body, but you know your own body well enough to be able to tell the difference between something that has become typical because you are pregnant, and something very unusual which need to be looked into further for a safe, healthy pregnancy.


Health Concerns During Pregnancy Part 1

Part 1 of 2 parts.


There is nothing more stressful than to have something go wrong during pregnancy. It doesn’t matter if it is your first time being pregnant or your fourth.

There are many things to be concerned about during your pregnancy, but it is easier to cope with them when you know what they are and what to expect.  Here is a discussion of the most common ones to watch out for.


Stomach pain or cramping

During the pregnancy it may be hard to decipher the difference between a baby-related pain and an actual stomach pain/cramping. However, if you do get a pain of any sort, the best thing to do is rest.

After a few minutes, if it still hasn’t subsided, call your doctor and describe the pain to him.

Don’t worry about it if you find out you only had gas, or were having Braxton hicks contractions. At least you know everything is okay with pregnancy. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Vaginal bleeding

This may also known as spotting. But there is a difference between actively bleeding and spotting.

Spotting is a light kind of bleeding, kind of like the early part or tail end of your period. The blood can be red, pink or even brown.

If you are bleeding actively like during your full period, or bleeding with any pain, call your doctor. If you can’t get a hold of your doctor, go immediately to the emergency room.

Bleeding can be caused by a number of things,  ranging from ectopic pregnancy, labor, infection or even miscarriage. Always let your doctor know, so everything can be ruled out, you’ll feel better too.


Continues in Health Concerns During Pregnancy Part 2


Regular exercise boosts ‘good’ cholesterol levels

Studies have shown that daily exercise is a cornerstone for lowering cholesterol to acceptable heart-healthy levels, for heart attack prevention.
And here is more good news: a lot of the activities that you might not necessarily have thought would count as exercise do actually keep you fit:
Read more here:


When Prescription Drugs and Herbal Supplements don’t mix

It seems that everyone is interested in trying natural remedies these days, including herbs and other supplements. However, naturall does not mean completely safe and free from any potential side effects. In fact, when added to prescription drugs you are taking, you can start to have real health issues if you are not careful.

Here is a handy list of herbs you should avoid with certain prescription drugs:


Morning Sickness During Pregnancy Part 2

Part 2 of 2 Parts.

Different smells tend to be another reason for morning sickness. Imagine walking into a restaurant and the first thing you smell is something greasy like bacon or sausage. This can easily set it off.

Bad smells and even certain tastes can often trigger morning sickness. It will take a bit of time for your body to adjust, and for you to discover just what triggers your nausea. Knowing how to avoid it can make a world of difference to how frequently you get sick during your pregnancy.

A few reasons you should go to your doctor would be if you begin losing weight because you are constantly sick. If you become dehydrated, faint, look pale, feel mentally confused, or throw up more than four times in a day, your doctor may be able to prescribe something that will stop it.

In addition to eating small meals and avoiding bad smells, you might also try slowing down a bit. Sometimes your body is just exhausted from all the chores you are doing, and it is trying to give you a break.

Listen to your body, take a nap, relax and watch a television show. Take some time off. Far too many woman try to work a full schedule despite their pregnancy, and work right through to the very end of it.

If you are looking for remedies for your morning sickness, you may try buying some pregnancy pops. Or if you’d prefer to stay away from the sweets you can wear a bracelet designed to stop morning sickness. They are just like the motion sickness bracelets.  They don’t work for everyone but they could work for you.  Acupressure also seems to help some women, but check with your doctor first before trying any alternative remedies.

Once you are pregnant, you will be bombarded with well-meaning advice, but just remember, your body and circumstances are unique. So listen to your body, and do you best to cope with your morning sickness in your own way, for a happy, healthy pregnancy.
