Saving energy this winter in your home

Even though oil prices seem to be dropping at the moment, why pay more than you have to? And, you might also want to consider global warming.


There are a lot of myths about being energy efficient in the home. Here are a few myths versus facts. The more you learn, the more you can save.


So stay warm this winter with these handy hints and tips.



Furnace filters work no matter how long they’re in use.



Replacing or cleaning old filters can reduce dust and save 5% in heating costs.



Keeping drapes and blinds closed keeps in heat.



Opening up drapes and blinds on windows facing the sun lets the sun in, heating your home for free. Southern exposures will catch the sun pretty much all day.



Fireplaces are great sources of warmth in the winter.



Fireplaces pull heated air out of the house, so use it sparingly and be sure the damper is closed when it’s not in use.



Humidifiers add moisture to the air, making it feel cold.



Moister air feels warmer, so by adding a humidifier, you can set your thermostat lower, to help you save money.



Only experts can tell if your outer doors have air leaks.



Place a piece of paper between the door and frame and shut the door. If you can pull the paper out without tearing it, you should weather-strip around the door to keep the heat in and the cold out this winter.


Are your money attitudes holding you back?

Everyone is worried about money these days, so now might be a good time to take a look at the psychology of money.

It is actually a very fraught emotional issue, based on attitudes you may have picked up from your family, and might not even know you have.

From hoarding to happy go lucky, we all have a complex relationship with money.

This article helps you examine your money attitudes, so that with a little adjustment, you will be able to ride out this bumpy economic rollercoaster without too much stress, and leave yourself even stronger financially.

Money attitudes


Breast Cancer Awareness


In October, you often see a lot of orange and black as people begin to decorate for Halloween, but more and more, you’re starting to see pink.  That’s because October has taken on a whole new and more important meaning.  October is breast cancer awareness month.  </font><font face=”Courier New”>Breast cancer is the most common cancer amongst women, and affects thousands of women every year. The good news is that it is only the 8th killer of women #1 is heart attack) and it is treatable.


In fact, there are millions of breast cancer survivors out there.  The key is early detection and treatment.  That’s why October is dedicated to educating people about breast cancer and how to prevent and treat it.


Like many cancers, the earlier it is detected and treated, the more likely it is to go into remission.  There are several steps you can take to increase your chances of detecting a problem early.


* Get yearly or bi-yearly mammograms.  You may need to get a mammogram more often if your doctor thinks there might be a problem, or if you have a history of breast cancer in your family.


* Do a monthly breast self-exam.  This is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your own breast health, and it’s also how most breast lumps are discovered.  Learn to look at and feel your breast for any changes in color, shape, size, texture, and any lumps.


* Get a yearly exam.  See a doctor for a yearly breast and reproductive exam.  They can help detect early problems and address any questions of concerns you might have.


* Don’t ignore problems.  Many women are embarrassed to talk to their doctor about their breast or reproductive health, but what might be a small issue now could turn into a big problem later.  No question is silly and no problem is too small; never be afraid to talk to your doctor.


Protecting yourself is just the first step in fighting breast cancer.  The second step is informing others of the dangers and precautions as well.  Every woman, including your mother, sisters, daughters, friends, co-workers, and any other women you know, should be aware of the dangers of breast cancer and how to protect herself.


That’s why it’s important to talk to the women in your life.  You can even start a group with your friends and family to remind each other to do monthly breast exams and to get your yearly mammograms.


In addition to prevention and education, another key part of getting rid of breast cancer is treatment.  While you may not be cut out to be a cancer researcher, you can donate your time and money to organizations fighting to eliminate breast cancer.


Not only can you donate money directly to them, you can also buy products that support the cause as well.  Just look for the pink ribbon on labels at your local grocery store.


While breast cancer can be devastating for many women and their families, this October you can start helping to prevent and treat breast cancer in your neighborhood and around the world, as we all work together to find a cure. An then think about wearing a red ribbon in February for women’s heart health month!!


Dealing with Breast Cancer


If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed right about now.  You’ve been given all kinds of tests, information and treatment options.


But don’t let what you’ve learned bog you down.  There is hope and you do have options.  Here are some things to consider that will help you cope with breast cancer.


One of the most important factors in dealing with breast cancer, or any disease, is education.  When you first get your diagnosis, you’ll likely get caught up in all the statistics and treatment options you doctor will present you with.


If you take the time to read the literature provided and do research on your own, you’ll be better able to make decisions and feel more confident and in control of your fate.


It is also important to remember that the sooner you’re treated, the better your chances of recovery.  So make sure you’re not researching so much that you delay treatment.  You need to strike a balance.


While following your doctor’s treatment orders are vitally important, there are other options you can try on your own, like dietary changes and alternative therapies.


Along with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids, there are many supplements that are said to help with breast cancer.  Just remember to fully research the type and brand of any supplement to ensure the quality and effectiveness of ingredients before you take them. They are not regulated by the FDA and there is little evidence to support their claims, so buyer beware.


Other alternative treatments include yoga, relaxation therapy, and other alternative options like reiki, acpuncture, and tai chi.  While it is still debatable whether these treatments actually help fight cancer, they can definitely decrease the physical symptoms and reduce stress and emotional symptoms.


This will leave you feeling better and will make your body better able to fight the cancer.  Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you are taking control and doing something to help your body fight back.


As with any serious illness, having strong social and emotional support can drastically increase your chances of a full recovery.  It is important to focus on your family, friends, activities, and other things you have to live for rather than the bad things that can happen to you.


These people will also be there to help support you through your treatment and recovery and help you through the hard times.  Online and community forums and groups can be great sources of information and ideas on how to cope.


It is a good idea to not only surround yourself with family and friends, but also to find people like you who are going through the same thing as you.


Ask your doctor about cancer support groups in your area.  These people will not only be a friend and shoulder to lean on, they can also provide insight that your friends and family can’t, because they’ve been through, or are going through, the same thing you are.


Plus, these groups are often led by a trained professional who knows how to help as well.


Through it all, one of the most important things to remember is to keep a positive attitude.  While breast cancer is a serious disease, there are millions of women out there who have beaten it, and so can you, if you get the best information and work with your doctor to make the best choices for you
