Investment Ideas: Are You Making the Most of YOUR Savings?

The Scenario

Tim is a young professional in his early 20’s. Tim has been working at his first real job for a little over a year. He has been saving as much money in his 401(k) as allowed. The bulk of his 401(k) is in company stock.

Tim lives in an apartment and would like to purchase a house in the near future. He currently doesn’t have any money saved for a down payment.

He has one credit card at 17% interest with a significant balance, but only pays the minimum each month. He hasn’t purchased anything on the credit card for quite some time.


It’s great that Tim is really socking away the money in his 401(k). Investing now for his retirement will give those funds many years of tax-deferred growth. However, there are some details in his financial picture that could prevent him from attaining both his short-term and long-term goals.

Suggestions that could put Tim in a better financial position:

1. Diversify his 401(k) investments. With the bulk of his portfolio in company stock, it’s too easy to lose it all should something catastrophic happen to his company. There are plenty of companies out there that sold at one time for $100+ per share that now sell for less than $0.05 per share.

‣ To minimize risk, money in a 401(k) should be spread around between several of the different available options. A little company stock is fine, but it should be less than 5% of the portfolio.
2. Save for a house. Tim could consider putting a little less into his 401(k) and putting the extra money into either a money market account or bonds until he has enough for the down payment. It’s not advisable to take a loan out of your 401(k) if it can be avoided.
3. Address his credit card balance ASAP. Even though Tim hasn’t been charging any more on his credit card, it will still take a good 30 years to pay it off if he continues making only the minimum payments.

‣ Depending on how large his debt payments are compared to his income, it might come into play negatively when he tries to qualify for a mortgage.

‣ Once Tim pays off the credit card, he could also put the money he was using for this debt payment toward his down payment on his house.
‣ Plus, paying off that credit card balance is akin to making 17% on his money.

Congratulations to Tim for saving money aggressively and consistently! Simply re-allocating some of his resources with these suggestions can set him up nicely for attaining his goals.

Tips for Paying Off Credit Card Deb

How to Save Over $100 on Your Food Bill Every Month

Schedule an Appointment with Yourself for a Financial Checkup


Are You Insured Sufficiently?

Part of your financial plan should include protecting your assets, including your possessions, as well as your income, loved ones and health-related financial concerns. Insurance isn’t very exciting, and it can certainly be expensive. But when you need it, you’ll be glad you have it. Unfortunately, there’s no single policy that will give you all the coverage you need.

Take inventory of your insurance coverage. Do you have these 5 important policies?

Life Insurance

Life insurance protects those people who depend on you financially if you die unexpectedly. Consider the hardships on your loved ones if you should happen to die prematurely.

How do you determine how much life insurance you should get?

Consider these matters:

* Replacing your income. How much and for how long?
* Last illness expenses
* Funeral expenses
* Would you like to pay off certain debts, like your mortgage, so you don’t leave those behind for your loved ones?

No one likes to think about these things. However, if you deal with it now, it’s something your family doesn’t have to deal with later.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is expensive, but health care is expensive too, really expensive. A simple trip to the doctor can easily be several hundred dollars. A routine surgery that only results in being in the hospital for a couple of hours can be over $10,000.

Health insurance costs are a burden, but the cost of a genuine medical issue can be catastrophic.

If this isn’t something you can get through your employer, be prepared to do some legwork to find a policy that’s right for you.

Long-Term Disability Insurance

This insurance replaces a portion of your lost income if you become unable to work. The cost depends on the amount of income that you wish to replace, your age, health, the length, and the limits of coverage. Policies will also differ regarding what they consider to be a “disability.”

This coverage can also be quite expensive. Hopefully, you can also get this through your employer. If not, sit down with your life or health insurance agent to go over the details of this important insurance.

Homeowners Insurance

If you still owe money on your home, your lender requires homeowners insurance. If you don’t owe money on your home, you should still carry this type of financial protection. Consider how many thousands of dollars your house and the contents would cost to replace.

The price of homeowners insurance is quite small compared to the amount of coverage you’re getting.

Besides covering the structure of the house and its contents, some policies will even cover putting you up in a hotel until your house is repaired. Any injuries that occur to friends and strangers are also covered under your house policy.

Consider what you need; there are a lot of options for benefits, limits, and price.

Automobile Insurance

Nearly all states require automobile insurance to varying degrees (New Hampshire is the exception). Everyone should have coverage, even if you drive a 1975 Chevy Nova that has been paid off for years. Even in that case, you’re still financially responsible for the damage you cause to other vehicles and property.

Without automobile insurance, you might face a lawsuit that could potentially cost you everything you own. Ensure you have all the coverage you need, not only for your own vehicle, but to cover your liability as well.


Insurance isn’t exciting or sexy, but it’s a necessity. When looking at new policies, shop around because prices and coverage can differ widely from one company to the next.

One tip to save some money: Get a policy with a higher deductible. The more you have to pay before the insurance kicks-in, the less that insurance coverage will cost you.

Do your homework and find an insurance professional you can trust. Don’t just focus on what insurance costs you; think of what it will cost you if you don’t have it.


A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Life Insurance


How to Burn Fat and Lose Weight While You Work at Home

If you work from home then chances are you spend much of your day sitting. In fact, most people spend a majority of their day sitting. Couple that with the fact that working from home is a sure-fire way to live a very busy life, and you have a recipe for weight gain. It’s difficult to balance working out, running and growing your business, and managing your life.

Why not accomplish two things at the same time? Why not find a way to lose weight while you’re working from home? It’s actually easier than you might think.

#1 Standing Desk

How often do you find yourself sitting while you work? Most of the time, right? Stand up. Now there are extremely durable and fantastic standing desks that you can purchase. You can find them at office furniture stores and online. You can also create your own “Ikea Hack” and create a standing desk from much of their assemble-it-yourself furniture.

However, if you’re not sure that a standing desk is for you, why not begin by simply placing a file box on your desk? It raises your keyboard to the level you need to stand. Use this system for a few weeks. If you find you’re enjoying it, then you can convert to a full-scale standing desk.

If you’re not used to standing, then your legs may be sore for a bit. Alternate sitting and standing. You burn more calories standing and it’s better for your posture. You can add an extra element of interest and calorie burning by adding a Bosu balance device.

#2 Walking Desk

A walking desk takes the standing desk to a whole new level. Walking is one of the best ways to stay in shape and lose weight. You can purchase a simple walking treadmill. These don’t have any motors and are often small and compact. In many cases you can simply position your standing desk over the top of your treadmill and get a workout while you work.

You can also buy treadmill desks. Again, these can be quite elaborate and expensive. However, it may be cost effective if you consider how detrimental weight gain can be. It often results in prescription medications and many expensive trips to the doctor.

#3 Pace

When you’re on the phone, dictating, or even trying to brainstorm and plan your business, get up and walk. Pacing has been shown to actually stimulate your creative brain. And it’s good for your waistline.

The key to burning fat while you work out is to stay active. Your body was designed to move. Move it. You can accomplish both a healthy business and a healthy body.


70 Top Exercise and Fitness Tips for Busy People (Health Matters)

Dealing with Childhood Obesity

Fantastic Fruit Salads

Planning Your Personal Fitness Program


How to Capitalize on Viral Marketing for your Business

Viral marketing is the practice of motivating people to spread your message for you. Viral marketing can be an extremely productive way to grow your business. Imagine if you created a video and it was viewed 10,000 times! That would produce significant results, right?

You might not know that Google’s search algorithms take social metrics into consideration when they rank a page. This adds to the potential of viral marketing. It not only boosts awareness – it can boost your page ranking too.

So how do you create a viral message that catches on?

#1 Create a Stir

Controversy is one of the best ways to generate a buzz and get people talking about something. While some industries seem to be prone to controversy, others aren’t. Yet you might be surprise how something as simple as an honest opinion can create a stir.

For example, one corporate attorney’s writing about the copyright issues with Pinterest’s policies and terms resulted in hundreds of links to her site and national coverage. In fact, her article and the stir it caused helped motivate Pinterest to change their terms. And it helped boost awareness for her photography website.

#2 Do Something Unusual or Out of the Ordinary

One of the most common reasons content becomes viral is because it is entertaining. Now entertaining can mean many things. It can surprise people. It can make them laugh. It can also make them think in a new and interesting way.

For example, imagine a relationship coach that shares a video of a couple arguing and inserts a funny voice over or text bubbles into the video. They’re taking a potentially serious issue and adding unexpected humor to it.

#3 Follow Up

Releasing one viral video or one viral report is great. Following it up with another video or report is like adding dry kindling to an already burning fire. It gets hotter. When you’re planning your viral marketing strategy, don’t allow it to be a one-hit wonder. Follow it up and keep the interest flowing.

Finally, be prepared for the influx of interest, drama, comments and feedback. When viral marketing generates results, it can take you by surprise. Many times marketers have found their servers can’t handle the volume, their assistants can’t handle the emails, and they can’t keep up with demand. While you can’t predict the results of a viral marketing campaign, you can plan for them.

How to Use Twitter For Viral Marketing (Internet Marketing Success Secrets)

Information Marketing Success: How to Make the Most of Your Online Content for Increased Traffic and Profits (Marketing Matters)


How to Get More Work Done in Less Time

Wouldn’t you love to have more free time? It’s a common wish for a majority of adults and certainly most business owners. There’s so much to accomplish in a day and it’d be nice to have a little free time to relax. The good news is that with a little planning and effort you can get more done in less time. Here’s how:


Systems are procedures that you can repeat and that achieve consistent results. Sorting the mail is a system. You get the mail. You sort it and give your attention to any immediate needs. Systems bring order to otherwise disorderly tasks and lives. They save time. Take a look at the tasks you perform on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Make a list of all the tasks, from the largest to the smallest. Put a check next to the tasks that take up a lot of time. Those are the tasks that need systems, or more efficient systems. How can you streamline each task or process to make it simple and repeatable? Consider how you can use technology, resources, and people to help.


Speaking of people to help with your systems, people can also help you get more done in less time. There are a number of ways that you can embrace the concept of outsourcing. You might hire a virtual assistant to manage your business. You could also hire someone to clean your home. Consider how much time you’d save if you outsourced a few tasks. And also imagine what you could do with that time.

For example, if you hire someone to clean your home each week, you not only gain the benefit of an immaculate home – you also may free up two to three hours a week. You can use that time to focus on your business and make money. You can also use that time to unwind and relax. That’s good for business and it’s good for you.


Technology is a wonderful thing. It can help you streamline your life. For example, Gmail makes it possible to filter emails from your inbox. If you’re like many and you receive hundreds of emails a day, this simple function helps you sort out and focus on the important messages. You can automate many important elements of your business, from email messages to social networking. You can automate your blog backups and your analytics.

Spend some time reviewing your current tasks and habits. What can you eliminate or outsource? What can you streamline? What can you automate? It’s possible, with a little bit of planning and attention, to free up several hours a day and get more accomplished in less time.

Further Reading
How to Work Smarter, Not Harder: 101 Strategies to Make the Most of Your Working Hours and Become More Efficient and Productive

How to Create an Organized and Productive Home Office


Best Bargains: May

Here are some ideas on the best ways to save money in May:

Are you ready for picnics and barbecues? May is the time to eat outdoors. After all, the weather is beautiful and there are all kinds of outdoor activities to take part in.

You’ll find plenty of bargains at the grocery store this month for all those cookouts!

Look for sales on these foods:

• Bottled water
• Carbonated beverages
• Hamburger
• Hot dogs
• Buns for hamburgers and hotdogs
• Chips
• Condiments like mustard, ketchup and relish
• Frozen pies
• Ice cream
• Frozen novelty treats

If you’re after a new refrigerator or vacuum cleaner, May would be the month to replace those 2 items as the prices will be right.

Some summer-related items will also be on sale, like:

• Napkins
• Paper plates
• Disposable cups
• Charcoal
• Charcoal fluid
• Pots and pans for cooking
• Outdoor furniture

Plan to have the best summer you’ve ever had this year.

Stock up on all these foods and nonfood items to last you until fall arrives. You’ll make your dollars go further and have plenty to eat all summer long!


Make the Most of your Money in May

Here is a calendar of things that can help you focus on your finances this month.

1-31 National Mental Health Month. This month-long observance encourages greater understanding of mental health. Reducing your stress levels helps your mental health, so keep your finances under control so they don’t cause you excess stress.

5 Cinco de Mayo. Although this celebration is a national holiday in Mexico, people in the US also celebrate the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Why not cook up your Mexican feast at home to save a few bucks?
8 National Teachers’ Day. This holiday commemorates the importance of teachers in all of our lives. Talk with your kids about how they want to celebrate their hard-working teachers. Then, assume the financial teacher role and talk with your kids about smartly managing their allowance. Useful money habits are best learned at home.
12 International Nurses Day. Give these wonderful workers the due they deserve. If you’ve got a nurse in your family, give her a savings bond to help her on the road to financial success.

13 Mothers’ Day. Have a special celebration for your mother today. While you’re visiting, talk with her about how her retirement planning is progressing. If she’s already retired, find out some tips about how to prepare for your own retirement.
19 Armed Forces Day. Honor the armed forces today. If you have family members in the armed forces, give a share of stock for their dedication to our country.
22 National Maritime Day. This day is designated to celebrate merchant mariners, who transport cargo and passengers safely in the waters of the US. Why not “transport” an extra $100 to the bank this month in their honor?
28 Memorial Day. This US holiday commemorates all the American women and men that have died serving their country. Why not spend time with those you love today? Enjoy a money-saving picnic in the park with friends and family.

31 World No Tobacco Day. This world holiday encourages people to educate themselves about the health consequences of tobacco use. If you smoke, take time today to figure out how much money you spend in a month for cigarettes. If you don’t smoke, good for you—you’re already saving money!
