We’ve seen all the ads on TV. We’ve heard the stories from friends. They can’t ALL be lying. Online dating really does work if you are willing to commit to it and take all the right steps in your quest for Mr. Right, or Mr. Right Now.
Yes, it might take some time to get started in a way that will put your best foot forward, but remember, you are saving time and money in the long run by filtering out the people you don’t have much in common with, and getting to know the ones you do on a deeper level.
Successful relationships are all about communication, and shared goals. Online dating may seem a bit like posting a shopping list online and hoping to end up with a full basket of all the yummy things in life. And also hoping that you will match their list.
You should think seriously about which items are on your MUST HAVE list. These are the things you are not willing to compromise on.
Above all, you need to be honest with yourself. If looks or income or job are really deal-breakers, well, here is your chance to not waste anyone’s time, including your own.
In particular, with so many divorces these days, you need to think in advance about how you are going to deal with issues like second marriage (yours or theirs!), step-children, and even long-distance relationships. There are two sides to every story in a divorce, for instance, no matter what anyone says.
At the same time, no one is perfect, not even you. In the beginning stages, you may be surprised, even a little hurt, to find that they guy who look terrific on paper and in his photo does not think you are IT. Often times, when this happens, it’s actually because they’ve either been looking for a while online, and have started to become attached to someone already, or they have been looking for a while and want to take a break, or are even feeling disillusioned because they’ve tried online dating but not had much success.
Again, success is very much in the mind of the beholder. Be realistic about your expectations, and above all, have fun.
Don’t feel obliged to invest time and effort in every single match you’re given, but don’t be rude or string people along either. Sure, they may have a few things missing from your shopping list, but what else have they got going for them?
If you are not the most picky shopper in the world, you can easily end up with a bountiful basket of goodies, all by keeping an open and optimistic mind.
For tips on how to get started with Online Dating, go to The Great Girl’s Guide to Online Dating Part 4