The best way to stay fit and supple is to get up and get moving, even if it is only for a few minutes a day, several times a day. Try these methods and see how well you start to feel.
Stand and stretch
This gets the blood flowing and muscles moving.
Get 10,000 steps per day
This can all add up as you go through your daily routine. Use a pedometer to keep track. Enjoy a walk after dinner and look for chances to walk up and down the stairs rather than use an elevator or escalator.
Marching in place
This is a more cost-effective option than the standing desk or treadmill desk and can be done anywhere. It works well when when you are talking on the phone so long as you aren’t distracting the other people in the office and are not breathing heavily down the phone at your clients and customers. Wear a pedometer so it counts towards your 10,000 steps per day.
Try yoga
There are many poses to choose from, all of which use the weight of your body to keep you toned and trim.
The whole point of ballet is to make smooth and controlled movements that strengthen your arms and legs in particular. Do simple exercises in the office or use your desk or chair as a ballet barre.
There’s no need to pump iron
Use ordinary things around the house as your workout gear. Try bottles of water or cans as light weights. You can also invest in a set of resistance bands, which you can take with you anywhere and use as needed.
Belly dancing
It is fun and good exercise, and gives you a solid core and strong back. It can also help you bring out your inner goddess.
Try these methods in rotation throughout the week and you should never get bored while you get fit.