Video Review: Discover Bellydance – Beyond Basic Dance

Discover Bellydance – Beyond Basic Dance

4.0 out of 5 stars
Very clear, a bit basic in some places, hard in others

The video is gorgeous to look at, and it starts out well with some good stretches. The moves they introduce in order for you to be able to put it all together for the choreography are for the most part building on what a beginner would do, but with more movement across or around the floor.

Once you master the steps in isolation, then you have to try to put it all together into a belly dance routine.

I have to say that this tape is not entirely for total beginners. I have been dancing for a while now, and am still trying to master some of the moves which they show on this video–and my teacher considers me an excellent student. The three quarter shimmy traveling step you see on the tape is a killer.

Some of the camera work focuses only on their lovely faces, so it is hard to see what the hips are supposed to be doing.

And sometimes they spend so much time on a really simple move like a hip bump, when they could be spending more time breaking down some of the more difficult moves, like the traveling steps.

But on the whole it is invaluable for practicing at home-no matter how many times you go to class it is good to practice on your own. You get a lot of strength and balance, and can practice moving with graceful power as well. It is no substitute for a live teacher, but it will definitely help you progress to a higher level fairly quickly.

It is fun and a good workout, and the music is excellent, the costumes lovely.

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