Saving Money All Year Round-August Hints and Tips

August 1-31
Family Fun Month.
Celebrate your family all month by planning a fun activity for your family each week: a barbecue one week, a walk through the park the next, and more. Take advantage of the family time together to teach your kids about managing money – a skill that will benefit them the rest of their life.

August 1st-Take time today to find out if your state has a sales tax holiday for back-to-school shopping. Mark your calendar with the dates and plan to do your shopping then. Set a goal to save big money on back to school-shopping this year.

7th-National Sisters’ Day. If you’re lucky enough to have a sister on this day, plan to spend some time with her. You can swap savvy saving and shopping tips to help save even more money.

12th-International Youth Day. This United Nations observance day pays homage to the world’s youth – their achievements and incredible impact on the world. Talk with your kids today and listen to their dreams for the future. Emphasize the importance of education and employment in creating their best lives possible. Discuss how your family saving for their goals needs to start now and might mean sacrifices today for a better tomorrow.

13th-National Garage Sale Day.
Believe it or not, there’s a day to celebrate the garage sale. Definitely plan to have yours this month. Use the money that you earn to make a difference to your family budget. For example, apply your takings to back-to-school shopping, save it, or invest it.

19th World Humanitarian Day.
This day observes the incredible perseverance by all the world’s humanitarian workers and to promote humanitarian causes. In particular, those who have lost their lives in the fight for humanitarian reasons are honored on this day. Consider a donation to the humanitarian effort of your choice. Think how you can make a difference in the world through your time and efforts. Also remember that wealth is relative. You may not think you have a lot, but you are far better off than many people around the world and there are some things that money can’t buy. Freedom is one of them.

24-Start shopping for a new car.
At this time of year, dealers are selling their remaining inventory of this year’s models at great savings to make room for next year’s new cars. To save some real money on your next new car, shop now for the best deals. Do your research carefully and see if now is the right time to buy.

26th-Women’s Equality Day. Celebrate the date that women were first given the right to vote in 1920 by purchasing a $50 savings bond for each of the favorite women in your life, such as your wife, sisters, and daughters. Women can treat themselves to their own $50 savings bond to celebrate this landmark day. Or, put the money into an interest bearing account and add to it, setting your own goals, hopes and dreams to improve your future.

31th. Make a call to reduce the interest rate on your credit card. It’s so important to try to save dollars however you can. Put some effort into reducing your credit card interest rates. Any reduction in the rate, no matter how small, is extra money in your pocket. The America’s Debt Diet and other websites have sample scripts you can use to help you get started saving money.

Don’t forget to check your budget and emergency fund to be sure you are on track. See the guide Emergency Fund 101 for more information. Also learn How to Use the Internet to Save Money.

Further Reading:

How to Slash Costs and Save Money on Everyday Expenses (More for Less Guides)

Smart Spending Strategies (More for Less Guides)


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