Are Discount Pet Medications Safe? 3

Are Discount Pet Medications Safe? 3

Just as there are unscrupulous sellers throughout the world who sell prescription medications online that are tainted, or consist of placebos, so too, shopping for discount pet medications without the benefit of the expertise of a vet can be a bad experience.

Talk to a qualified vet to determine what type of illness your pet has and whether or not the treatment is going to be long-term. Then and there discuss your medication options. Discount pet medications may be safe, but they may not be practical.

You might also consider Canadian pharmacies. We have been using very happily for over three years now for our cocker spaniel’s medication. It is $400 for a 30 day supply in the USA, but only $40 in Canada, a huge savings for our family.

For simple things like Frontline and Heartgard, medicines that you will use repeatedly over time, it makes sense to shop around for the best price.

So buyer beware when it comes to discount pet meds, but talk to your doctor about what your pet needs to take and why, and then shop around carefully, comparing prices, and also site reviews.

Further reading:

Pet Safety in Summer and Warm Weather

Saving Money, Investing Wisely in 2012: Insider Secrets on How to Make the Most of Your Money in this Ongoing Recession

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