Another Obama flip-flop

Now it is him supporting the government’s surveillance bill despite the fact that he said he would oppose it.

Every day we have more and more evidence of his inability to stick to any sort of policy or principle.

But best of all, rather than declarifying or even defending his position, he then attacks the conservatives on THEIR record, even though he is voting with them, and saying “No, you’ve misunderstood. You’re the ones who have got it all wrong.”

I hate to say it, but the Democratic Party got it all wrong. Instead of listening to the will of the people in Florida and Michigan, they abandoned their democratic principles and refused to give Hillary Clinton her full delegate count, which would have easily put her over the number of delegates required to secure the nomination.

How is this any different from what the Republicans did to Gore in 2000? And look at the price we have been paying for it ever since.

What price are we going to pay for riding roughshod over democratic principles once again, when here is a man who has not even got anywhere near the Presidency yet, and is doing more about-faces than a platoon of soldiers on drill.

Hillary, you should have taken it to the Party to decide because as anyone could have told you, his inexperience and hypocrisy and lack of brains compared with you are plain for all to see.


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